If you are not sure about your abilities, whether you will be able to take care of a child, or you want to read more about what parenting is, in order an essay you will find all the useful information. We were so excited to meet mummy Rosie and baby Rogue again and find out how Rogue had grown.  Baby Rogue was asleep when at first so we sang our welcome song quietly.  She soon woke up and PCSO Becky and Mummy Rosie helped us to understand that Rogue was able to have more control moving her head and could follow the toys with her eyes.  Rogue has two teeth and is almost starting to roll over.   

In our Roots of Empathy session today PCSO Becky read us a story and we talked about a time when we felt sad.  We drew a picture showing how we were feeling and what it was that had made us feel unhappy. 


Recent Year 2 Updates

  • A visit from baby Rogue
  • Gingerbread Men
  • Watch out! There are dragons about!
  • How are you Feeling?
  • Baby Rogue and Mummy Rosie
  • Toys to school!
  • Welcome!!

About Us

Thorplands Primary School became a sponsored academy with The Education Fellowship (TEF) on 1st April 2013. We work closely with TEF to ensure high standards of values, behaviour and encourage everyone to go beyond the expected. This has become the school's mission statement: Work, Learn, Earn

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Contact Us

Principal: Madeline Dunckley
Thorplands Academy
Farm Field Court
